This collection of articles on philosophy and practice are enclosed to broaden your understanding of Yoga. They can give you guidelines for further study and understanding of the diversity of what yoga is and how it can positively contribute to your life and well being.
Meditation, A Practical Guide for Finding Your Unique Path
Micro Practices
The Brahmavihara – Path to Opening the Heart
Concealment and Revelation
How the One Becomes the Many, The 36 Tattvas
Shiva-Shakti Tantra, The Yoga of Presence
The Anusara Invocation
Anusara Principles and Practices for Aligning with the Divine
Pranayama – Working With The Flow of Life Force Through Breath
The Symbolism of Om and the Meaning of “Namaste”
Yoga At Your Desk
The Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga
The Chakra System
Yoga ~ The Holistic Path to Contentment and Inner Peace
Recommended Yoga Books
Recommended Yoga Music
Art by Will Doran
Published Article: Beyond Gurus and Guides: Personal Coaches Complement the Teachings of Yoga